Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Preaching Postmodernity (whatever that means...)

Well, I'm now slated to preach on July 6. For my general anxieties with preaching, go here. The good news is that I've been in the pulpit so much recently that I'm much more comfortable with the whole process...

Honestly, this time I'm pretty excited. I've read and re-read the passages I've selected, Matt: 16-30 (ignoring that the lectionary cuts out v.20-24) and Romans 7:15-25, and have gone through several commentaries. I've even written some thoughts out and could easily 'finish' the sermon in a couple hours. We commission our Montreat crew that morning so I have a great opportunity to talk about my theology of youth ministry, which I haven't really done since my first sermon.

My new anxiety is whether I try to spend time talking about postmodern thought and theology to an unapologetically modernist congregation. Is it worth it to even mention that you're wary of Truth claims and putting God in a box, or is it better to "play it safe" and just talk in broader terms about my youth ministry approach? What about when your theology is shaped by an emerging worldview that many could care less to hear about? What about when that worldview isn't definable, when so many want explicit definitions.... The questions go on and on.

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