Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Michelle Obama in NY Times

The NY Times has a solid article on Michelle Obama today. It's clear (as if it wasn't before) that she's incredibly passionate and has some strong principles. Two quotes I really liked...

"I looked out at my neighborhood and sort of had an epiphany that I had to bring my skills to bear in the place that made me," she says in the interview. "I wanted to have a career motivated by passion and not just money."

Like Barack she spent her time in the "trenches" in South Chicago, despite an Ivy League degree. In many ways the passion/money issue is a big part of why I'm doing what I do.

And one that requires reading the whole article for context...

"I hate diversity workshops," she says. "Real change comes from having enough comfort to be really honest and say something very uncomfortable."

I think that gives some insight into some of her quotes that have been blown up by the media. In a more direct sense, it challenges those of us who seek change to be willing to face the uncomfortable, especially when the uncomfortable is the face in the mirror.

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