Sunday, June 29, 2008

GA Thoughts Pt. 1

This week the General Assembly (GA) of the PCUSA, my life-long denomination, kick-started a process that may lead to the open ordination of practicing GLBT folks. For this to happen, 2/3 of Presbyteries will have to approve a new wording of the (in)famous Book of Order statement known as G-6.0106b. To avoid hearing me hash out the details you may read the “official” article, a conservative response, and a brief progressive response. Or if you're familiar with that upstart website, Google, you can find info through their internet search engine. ;)

Four or five GA’s ago (circa 2002/2003) I would’ve supported this decision, but I would've supported it with a lingering fear of ‘what may come’ for the denomination. Cue visions of a conservative church exodus dancing through my head. I would've been fearful that many churches would leave, and the PCUSA's numbers would continue to decline. I would've reluctantly met grace with mental pettiness.

Today, I face the GA’s decision with hope. Hope for the future of the PC(USA) as Presbyteries discuss the issue and vote to proclaim where God is calling us. Hope for those who oppose the decision to enter a process of discernment about the role of GLBT folks in the church. And, hope for those who agree with the decision to meet opposition with graceful dialogue and a fair-mindedness.

Some will preach and blog of the demise of "true faith" in our denomination. Some of those will leave the denomination. Others will preach and blog of justice, grace, and love triumphing.

I will preach (this Sunday) and blog of hope. Hope for 'what may come' in our denomination and hope for an expanded role for all of God's children in the church.

More to come on this issue in the future, for now I'm exhausted after a fun and long wedding weekend in Asheville.

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